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Payment & Pickup info

To Reserve a pup:

1. Fill out Puppy Application…..

2. We will contact with you (1-2 days at most) often same day.

3. Pay the deposit in these preferred ways.

Can use PayPal and Zelle as well

Final Payment upon delivery of puppy

At this point we have had some issues with PayPal and Venmo with people coming back and taking their money back and that leaves us with little recourse. So Cash or Cashiers check for the final payment is preferred. If that really isn’t an option for you we can arrange for PayPal – Friends and Family only (that way the money can’t be charged back)

Our Puppy Contract

This is kind of under construction this year and we are open to some feed back on some minor points but just so you can see some of what we are expecting from someone who wants to adopt one of these exceptional puppies. *** Feel free to look at the contract but it needs to be updated – 11/15/21*****


Pick up day instructions

We are just a small operation so if everyone was to show up at the same time on pick up day it would be a bit overwhelming so to prevent that we are going to set up a google calendar schedule and will be emailing access to it individually. We will use the email you provide for us below in the google form. (I will let you all know when the calendar is up live). We strive to be as flexible as possible for everyone.

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